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The Hummingbird Ultrasonic Ear Cleaner is a handheld device that is used to to clean dirt and remove excess ear wax from users ears. The user will begin by inserting a liquid ear drop solution packet into the back compartment of the device. Then, the user will power on the device. This will power on the motor as well as the ultrasonic fequency.  (Note: Ultrasonic technology is high frequency wave lengths that are nearly silent and are in current use in high-end tooth brushes).  Then, a disposable foam tip will be placed on the tip of the device. Next, the user will place the tip of the device in their ear and press the liquid ear drop button. This will cause 1 drop of solution to drip from the tip of the device (1-3 drops is recommended).  Then, the user will press the rotation button located on both sides of the device.  At this point the liquid solution will help to loosen the wax and the tip will rotate slowly to help draw wax and dirt out of the ear. The device is only kept in each ear for 5-10 seconds. Finally, the user will point the device towards the trashcan and press the foam tip release button. The disposable tip will drop into the trash. The users ears are now clean and void of dirt and wax! 

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Bryan Chidester: 2018

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